CCSS - Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies
CCSS stands for Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies
Here you will find, what does CCSS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies? Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies can be abbreviated as CCSS What does CCSS stand for? CCSS stands for Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies. What does Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies mean?Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies is an expansion of CCSS
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Alternative definitions of CCSS
- Comanche Crew Support System
- Chinese Character Synthesis System
- Clinical Care Support System
- Command and Control Support System
- Combat System and Command Support System Directorate
- Cass Community Social Services
- Centre for Commonwealth Studies, Stirling
View 43 other definitions of CCSS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CCT Cambridge Commonwealth Trust
- CCNMO Cambridge Conference for National Mapping Organizations
- CACRE Cambridgeshire ACRE
- CCCU Camden Central Community Umbrella
- CCCC Camden Chinese Community Centre
- CVB Camden Volunteer Bureau
- CFT Camelot Foundation, The
- CAMFEDI CAMFED International
- CAAT Campaign Against Arms Trade
- CAMDUN Campaign for a More Democratic United Nations
- CL Campaign for Learning
- CMT Campaign for Museums, The
- CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- CFE, Sweden Campaign for the Earth Foundation, Sweden
- CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England
- CCT Campden Charities, The
- CM Camphill Movement
- CVTLT Camphill Village Trust Limited, The
- CS Canbury School
- CCST Cancer Care Society, The